Possessive Pronouns

What is a Possessive Pronoun?

possessive pronoun is a pronoun that indicates possession and replaces a noun.

Examples of Possessive Pronouns

Some examples of possessive pronouns would be the following:

Is this plate yours?

Hers is the green lunchbox.

The first place trophy is ours!

What is the Difference Between Possessive Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives?

If you can remember the difference between a personal pronoun and a common adjective, then you can understand the difference between a possessive pronoun and possessive adjective. It’s fairly simple: A pronoun replaces a noun while an adjective describes a noun.

Possessive Pronoun: That is hers.

Possessive Adjective: That is her bike.

Notice that “hers” in the first sentence replaces the word “bike” (and therefore functions as a possessive pronoun), whereas the word “her” in the second sentence describes the word “bike” (and therefore functions as a possessive adjective). See the difference?

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Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns Worksheet

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