Compound Subjects

What is a Compound Subject?

compound subject occurs when two or more subjects exist in a single sentence and share the same verb.

Compound Subject Examples

Some examples of compound subjects would be the following:

The teacher and student approached the scorer’s table.

After breakfast Angelina and Shaun walk to school every day.

That team’s player and the referee debated the foul.

Compound Subjects in Context

GrammarFlip’s grammar-in-context videos provide an additional layer of instruction, learning, and relatability.

Our unique and memorable video footage helps solidify the understanding of challenging grammar concepts.

Watch this video to better understand compound subjects, and be sure to view the video on compound predicates as well!

Why You Should Use Compound Subjects in Your Writing

The primary reason to use compound subjects in your writing is to avoid redundancy and to be more concise. If Pete and Jamil both play soccer, it saves your reader some time by simply writing, “Pete and Jamil both play soccer,” as opposed to, “Pete plays soccer. Jamil plays soccer.”

Of course, there are some instances in which you might intentionally avoid using compound subjects. If you’re trying to put emphasis on the individual subject, you might choose to write two separate sentences, each with a singular subject.

Be sure not to confuse compound subjects with compound sentences which are different altogether.

Download a Free Worksheet on Compound Subjects!

Click the image below to download your free worksheet on compound subjects!

Compound Subjects and Compound Predicates Verbs Worksheet

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