What are Commas with Items in a Series?
Commas should be used when three or more items in a series are listed. A comma should be placed between each of the three items (it is also acceptable to leave out the comma between the second-to-last item and the last item in the series). Items in the series may consist of a word, clause, or phrase.
Examples of Commas with Items in a Series
Some examples of commas with items in a series would be the following:
Sherry, Steven, and Dez decided to meet for pizza after classes.
(Example of commas used with words in a series.)
Ally enjoys competing in races, traveling around the world, and eating unique cuisine.
(Example of commas used with phrases in a series.)
I ate a sandwich, Jessica drank a smoothie, and Felix munched on a granola bar.
(Example of commas used with clauses in a series.)
Commas with Items in a Series in Context
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Our unique and memorable video footage helps solidify the understanding of challenging grammar concepts.
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